LIFE LESSON: Freedom means alignment with God's perspective of the world

My understanding of freedom has always been limited to 2 definitions  1) the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants 2) the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Recently I came across a 3rd definition which appeals more to me than the first two definitions.

Here freedom is defined as seeing the world as God sees it.It took a while for this definition to sink in with me, but the more I thought about it and allowed it to sink in, the more I realised this is the best the best definition of freedom.

The seen dimension is the shadow of the unseen dimension

As human beings we exist in 2 dimensions the seen dimension (physical) and the unseen dimension (spiritual). The seen dimension is the shadow of the unseen dimension, which means what we see in the physical dimension is a shadow of what is really happening in the spiritual dimension.

The seen dimension is created from the unseen dimension so it goes without saying that to understand the seen dimension we need access to the unseen dimension. The Scriptures tell us God is Spirit which means for us to understand the seen dimension we need to view it from his point of view. So seeing life as God sees it means accessing the unseen dimension in God’s terms.

He makes all things work together for our good.

When we access the Spiritual dimension in his terms one of the promises he makes is that he makes all things work together for our good. This changes how I approach difficult life situations, because he said all things, not just the good, even the bad situations will work for my good.  

This does not release me from my responsibilities but it releases me from anxiety and worry when I face difficult circumstances .When I am free of worry and anxiety I am able to stay in the moment and interpret my situation as it really is not as what it seems to be. This kind of freedom enables me to be present in the moment for every situation and face the situation head on with a clear head. 

Seeing life as God sees it is easier said than done but this is how the God revealed in the Bible wants us to live in this world,it is a free gift available to all of us. Aligning my perspective of the world with God’s perspective has enabled me to experience freedom like never before.

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