LIFE LESSON: You don't live once, you have to consider eternity.

YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once". This is used along the same lines as the Latin carpe diem ('seize the day'), it is a call to live life to its fullest extent.

YOLO is a belief system that says : life on earth is the only life there is and it is in our capability to live it to its full extent. This was my belief too but since I started this journey of faith I am learning that this belief might be misguided.

Is life on earth the only life?

The Gospel teaches that human beings are made of Body and Soul. The body is how we interact with other people and God’s creation while on earth, it is also the part of our humanity that dies and perishes. 

Our souls on the other hand live to eternity. We get an opportunity to make the choice to be with God or without him in eternity while we are in our bodies on earth. So life on earth is not the only life there is, we have to contend with life after death which is eternal.

The decisions we make about God while in our bodies on the earth have an  impact on whether we spend the next part of our lives with God or without him..

Living life to its full extent

Living life to the fullest means overcoming all your fears and simply enjoying each and every moment of your life. In my experience this is not realistic ,it is possible to overcome some of our fears but not all our fears can be overcome. In this world we face a lot of troubles which  makes it impossible to enjoy every moment of our lives.

Even though I do not think it is realistic to live life to its fullest extent, I believe God wants to enable us to overcome all our fears and to enjoy every moment of our lives despite the troubles we face in this world.

Overcoming our fears

God knows that in our own strength we cannot overcome all our fears and this is why when we accept the invite to reconcile with him he fills us up with the Holy Spirit to enables us to overcome our fears.

Enjoy every moment of our lives

The Holy Spirit activates our faith in God and that enables us to enjoy life even when our circumstances dictate otherwise. Our faith in God magnifies his love and power for us even when we face unfavorable situations.

God wants this for us because when his children live life to its full extent, his love and power is put on display but our search to achieve this utopia without him is futile.

The take away therefore for me is that I should not behave like this life is the be all end all because there is an eternity to consider. John 3:36

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