LIFE LESSON: Religion enables false teachings
We have all heard or seen people being abused in the name of God. People have been made to drink petrol or eat snakes or in some instances they have been robbed of their hard earned money all in the name of God.
Why would God allow this to happen is a question I have asked myself but never took it further and in fact I chose to put it off my mind. So when it was posed directly to me “Why does God allow our people to be abused in his name” I realized that I can no longer put it off. I need to find answers to this question.
I then did my introspection through what I have learned so far on my journey and here is what I have learned.
The Bible is an instrument through which God reveals himself, what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. He first introduces himself to us through the Old Testament where he reveals who he is (The Father).In the New Testament he reveals what he wants to do (Jesus Christ) and he also reveals how he wants to achieve what he wants to do (Holy Spirit).
In the Old Testament God reveals who he is, the Creator of the Universe. To his children he is the Father who provides and protects them. He rewards his children when they obey his commandments and equally disciplines them when they do not obey his commandments. He uses signs and wonders to protect and provide for his children to put his power on display for those who do not believe.
When Jesus Christ was on the earth through him God revealed what he wants to do on the earth:
He wants to reconnect with his people: When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden they were kicked out of the Garden where humanity was separated from God. In his mercy God provides a way in which humanity can reconnect and reconcile with him and that way is Jesus Christ.
He wants to showcase his power through his children: Jesus performed signs and wonders as evidence of God’s power and that convinced many more people to believe. Through the life of Jesus, God reveals to us that when we accept the invite to reconnect with him he wants to work through us to display his power so many more can believe.
He wants us to be who he created us to be: When we were separated from God through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, sin also prevented us to be who he created us to be. He allowed Jesus to be crucified in the cross to reveal the process he will take us through in order for us to be who he created us to be so we can inherit all that he has for us.
God’s process to make us who he had intended us to be entails persecution, burial and resurrection.
In the Holy Spirit God reveals to us how he wants to achieve his purpose through us.
God speaks to us through our thoughts but he is not the only one seeking our attention there are other spirits who speak to us and they oppose everything that God says. These spirits are our selfish desires, the world culture and satan,
To help us discern his voice from the other spirits, God fills us up with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God’s mind and thoughts that he imparts to us, when we accept the invitation to reconnect with him through Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit is our weapon from God that enables us to discern his voice from other voices and empower us to fulfill his plan for the world.
Jesus is God’s effort to reach us and religion is man’s effort to reach God. Religious teachings emphasize who God is (Father) over what he wants to do (Jesus) and how he wants to do it (Holy Spirit). As a result we end up with man-made religious systems and rules that are powerless against what God wants to do and against evil spirits.
People are seeking relief from their troubles and in many instances it is only through divine intervention that they can be relieved of their trouble but because religion does not provide evidence of divine power they then go and seek it elsewhere. False Prophets are empowered by evil forces to perform signs and wonders which they use as their evidence of "divine power " to deceive people in the name of God.
Too much emphasis on God the Father makes people believe he is angry with them when he implements his processes, it makes them believe he is punishing them when he corrects them. It also encourages them to seek him for what he can do for them instead of seeking him for what he wants to do through them. This emphasis creates a distortion of how they see God thus opening the door for false teachings and prophets
Therefore religion and NOT God is the enabler of False Prophets and teachings.
To experience the love and power of God we must consider all 3 aspects of his character as revealed in the Bible.