LIFE LESSON: Not all Churches lead to God

So when I told people close to me that I have found another Church and would no longer be going to Anglican Church where I grew up. The only concern they had was that I don't go to these churches where the teachings about God and Jesus Christ are used to abuse others. Other than that they saw no problem in me following my conscience.
This was  also my belief that  choosing a Church is a matter of my conscience because one church's teachings could be true for me and not for others. I used to believe that any church will do as long as they teach about God and Jesus Christ. This kind of thinking goes hand in hand with the idea that there are many roads that lead to God. I found out today there is a word for this: it is called Religious Pluralism.
So if anyone asked me then which Church they should go to, my answer would be it does not matter just as long as you go to a Church where they teach about God and Jesus Christ you should be fine.
This sounds simple enough, but through my faith journey and reading the Bible I am learning that it is not as simple as that here is what I am learning
In Matthew 7:21 Jesus says not everyone who calls his name will see the Kingdom of God but only those who do the will of his father in heaven will see the Kingdom of God.
He is referring to an individual here but I believe this applies to a Church as well because a Church is made up of individuals. So Jesus is saying not all churches who teach in his name will enter the Kingdom of God? Wow this was so confusing to me.
But I think the next line in this scripture is important in unraveling what Jesus is trying to tell us here. In the next line he says only those who do the will of his Father in heaven will see the Kingdom of God.. In other words Jesus is saying if we as individuals and Churches get to know the will of God and obey it then we are good to go.
Therefore knowing the will of God is very important. So what is the will of God? I believe the will of God is for his people to be right with him on his own terms so that he can work through them to impact the lives of others and display his glory to the world.
So what are God's terms of being right with him? Well this is the reason Jesus came so he could be an intercessor between us and God all we need to do is to confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts that he is the Lord and that makes us right with God and guarantees us a spot in heaven. Romans 10:9
So a Church that is endorsed by Jesus according to this scripture not only does it teach about God and Jesus Christ it also teaches how to be right with God in his terms and not human terms.
So  now when someone asks for my advice about which Church to go to my answer will be yes do follow your instincts because it is very important to feel welcomed in the space where you choose to worship God but do not just leave it there ensure that that the Church teaches the following:
  • Being right with God in his own terms i.e. through Jesus Christ
  • Helps you find your purpose so God can work through you to impact lives of people and display his glory.
God created the Church so that through the Church his will on the earth is fulfilled therefore the Church is very key to anyone who wants to walk with God. 
But not all Churches lead to God because they are not doing the will of God, instead they have submitted to man’s way of getting to God through religious rules. I believe this who Jesus was referring to when he said not everyone who calls on his name will see heaven.

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