LIFE LESSON: The key to wisdom is the ability to discern the voice of God

I was doing a Google search on how to get  wisdom. There were a lot of suggestions that I found  but the one that stood out for me  is the one that says wise people are blessed with good judgment. The ability to judge well is called discernment. In other words, to be wise I have to learn to discern.

I did a search on the Biblical definition for the word discern and I found out that according to the Bible discernment is the ability to recognize the voice of God, so I dived into the Bible to find out why this is important.

Discernment and the children of God

Children of God have Holy Spirit in them and his purpose is to guide them by influencing their souls so that their desires are aligned with God’s mission on the earth. The reality is that while his children are on the earth there are other forces that are also fighting to influence their souls these forces are against the mission that God wants to fulfill on the earth. The forces fighting against God are: Flesh (selfish desires), the system of the world and the devil himself.

Why is it important to discern the voice of God?

  1. When God’s children are able to tell the difference between the voices that are trying to influence them it becomes easy for them  to discover the glorious secrets of God including his wisdom and his will and this positions them well to be vessels that he can work through to fulfill his vision

  2. The ability to discern the voice of God protects God’s children from the enemies whose goal is to distract them from fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives, because it keeps them away from evil and alerts them from the attacks of the enemy. 

  3. Discernment also enables God’s children to see through the lies of the enemy because it enables them to see every situation through the lens of God which then makes it easier for them to stand firm when facing hard times .

The children of God who have fully surrendered to the Lord understand that their lives are  no longer about them but they are about what God wants to do through them to fulfill his purpose on the earth so it is very important for them to distinguish between his voice and the other voices that are fighting for their attention

How to develop the ability to discern the voice of God?

Some of the actions children of God can take to develop the ability to discern the voice of God

  • Put in practice the teachings of  the Word of God - Do not only hear the Word of God put its teachings into practice.

  • Develop a habit of reading the Bible daily  - this will train your heart to hear God when he speaks

The story of Joseph is a good illustration to show that the ability to discern the voice of God not only enables God’s children to fulfill his purpose on the earth but it is a skill that is highly regarded by non believers :Pharaoh, who was an unbeliever, recognized the power of Joseph's ability to discern the voice of the true God that he promoted him to be his 2nd in charge. Genesis 41

Therefore when I seek wisdom I will not ask to be blessed with the ability to judge well but I will ask to be blessed with the ability to discern the voice of God. 

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