Spiritual development triumphs personal circumstances


My personal troubles are more important than my alignment with God


MARK 2:5  Reads:

"Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, 'My child, your sins are forgiven.'"

Context of the scripture

When a paralytic man was lowered from the roof by his friends Jesus first forgave the paralytic man of his sins before he healed him this all happened while the Pharisee are watching

What the scripture teaches me

Jesus could have healed the man before he forgave him his sins but in this case He chose to first forgive His sins to demonstrate to the Pharisees that He can do both the spiritual and the physical, but I believe he also did this miracle to demonstrate to us that our spiritual development is more important than our physical circumstances. 


God is more interested in my spiritual development than he is in my personal circumstances

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