LIFE LESSON: God does not lead us by open doors

Closed doors are the reason I started  my journey of faith in Christ. Life did not get better. The closed doors did not open after committing my life to God. As a matter of fact things got worse for me to a point that  I am worse off financially now than I was before I started on this journey. 

My situation got so bad that people close to me and those watching my life from the sidelines have questioned whether God is in my story or have I been misled. Some have asked me this directly but I am sure everyone who knows my current situation is wondering the same thing.

I must admit I have been wondering the same thing lately ,as a result  I have been feeling discouraged and starting to doubt my faith until I heard  our Pastor who was teaching about walking in wisdom say “God does not lead us by open doors He leads us by his Word”. This stayed with me for the rest of the service. I don't remember anything else that was said. These words stuck with me and I was encouraged.

What does this mean?

This means in the Kingdom of God an open door is not a reliable indicator of God’s presence as much as a closed door is not a reliable indicator of God’s absence..The only reliable indicator of God’s presence or absence in any situation is his Word.

ALSO READ: God makes the most out of an empty vessel

As I was meditating on this I was reminded of the following Bible characters who were successful in their walk with God because they applied this principle when it mattered the most.:

  • The Israelites were able to cross over the Red Sea because Moses focused on what God was saying when they were stuck between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. He did not focus on the impossible situation they found themselves in and as promised God came through for them in a way only he can.

  • Joseph reached his destiny because when he was in a dungeon he did not focus on his circumstance instead he focused on the vision that was given to him by God in his teen years.

  • David would not have been called a man after God's heart if he had focused on his circumstances while he was in the desert running from Saul instead he focused on the promise on his life when Samuel anointed him future King of Israel. 

  • Jesus would not have defeated the enemy on our behalf if he had focused on what was about to happen to him on the cross instead of  focusing on God’s purpose for his life.

Circumstances should NOT dictate how we respond but we should let the Word of God dictate how we respond to circumstances. As difficult as this current season is to me and my family I will not let circumstances be an indicator whether God is in our story or not. I will let the Word of God be an indicator of his presence or absence in our story.

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