LIFE LESSON: Jesus is not another prophet

Recently a friend made the following comment ”having faith in oneself is better than having faith in some imaginary dude from Israel”. In another unrelated incident a friend sent me a video of Sadghuru - a very popular Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality - where he questioned why people loved Jesus when he died 2000 years ago.

These incidents are making the assumption that Jesus Christ is just another Prophet  and  they are also questioning his validity and relevance today. As a follower of Christ I obviously believe he is more than just a prophet and he is very relevant today as he was 2000 years ago. Here is why.

He is our bridge  to God

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God that led to us being separated from God but God has been creating a bridge that will enable us to reconcile with him since then .This bridge is Jesus Christ, when we acknowledge him we receive God’s Spirit through which he reveals his purpose for our lives

He is our teacher

Jesus also came to teach us about the Kingdom of God and how to live a life that is pleasing to God while on earth i.e. How to live on earth as if we are in the Kingdom of God.

He is our pattern

Jesus Christ was persecuted on the cross for fulfilling God’s purpose for his life, this is the pattern for the children of God who align themselves with God's plan they will be persecuted, they will buried but at the end of it all they will triumph like he resurrected from death.

Jesus Christ was the perfect Son of God who is the pattern that all all children of God should emulate he is more than just a prophet he is God's way of reconciling with his people on the earth.

He is therefore relevant today as he was 2000 years ago to be who God has designed me to be I will acknowledge him as my Lord and Savior , I will follow his teachings on how to live on earth and whenever my belief in him leads me to troubled waters I will submit to the pattern he demonstrated so I could be exalted with him.

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