LIFE LESSON: The truth is not subjective


The truth is subjective because it is based on a person's perspective, feelings, or opinions. Everything we know is based on our input - our senses, our perception. Thus, everything we know is subjective.


There is a Bible scripture that says when we are in a Spiritual Warfare we should not fight it in our own strength but instead we should put on the Armor of God and in the passage it refers to the TRUTH as the belt in the armor of God. The Bible commands to put on the belt i.e. TRUTH when in Spiritual Warfare. This scripture has been a battle for me as I have been trying to apply it my life, mainly because I kept asking myself which truth because I thought TRUTH was subjective. I then initially thought TRUTH refers to the Word of God but the same passage refers to the Word of God as a sword in the armor of God.

Recently while in my morning devotion it hit me. The TRUTH that is being referred to here is the Gospel message which tells me that : God is in control of both the Spiritual realm and the Natural realm and He has given all the authority to his Son Jesus Christ.

So for me practically putting on the truth belt means that whenever I am in a situation which I don't like or understand I must remember that God is still in control and my union with Jesus Christ is the guarantee that assures me that victory is certain.


Therefore the truth is not subjective it is absolute that God is still in control both in this world and in the spiritual realm irrespective of what I am going through.

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