LIFE LESSON: Believe me is not the ultimate message of Christ

My understanding of the gospel was that believing in God was what was expected from me as a Christian as it distinguishes me from an atheist or non believer. I thought belief in God is all the difference required whether one will make it to heaven or not.

But the gospel says otherwise.

God expects our belief in him to be accompanied by the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Savior. When we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Savior we then get direct access to God and it is also a pass to spend eternity with God.

When we acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior it has implications on our eternal future but making him Lord has implications to our current lives. Making Jesus Lord means giving him permission to Lord over our lives here on the earth.

Making Jesus Lord over our lives enables God to bring heaven on earth through us. Bringing heaven on earth means defeating Satan. Jesus demonstrated to us that to bring heaven on the earth requires 2 things:
 1)We need to love God with all our hearts and souls 
 2)Love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

We demonstrate our love for God by obeying his revealed will for our lives and we demonstrate our love for others by sacrificing our personal desires so that others can experience God’s love and power through us.

Bringing heaven on earth has implications for us as well , it requires a complete change of mindset but it is  also our gateway to be exalted by God while we are on earth and in eternity.

It is therefore my belief that God’s ultimate goal for us is not for us to believe that he exists but it is for us to follow in the pattern of Jesus Christ

"Religion has dumped down Jesus Christ's message to believe him because believing is easier it does not require a complete change of mindset but following Christ requires a complete change of mindset". - Andy Stanley.

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