LIFE LESSON: GOD does not help those who help themselves

The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” is very popular. It is so popular that I thought it is a scripture from the bible but it turns out it is not in the bible. This phrase implies that God only intervenes in our situations after we have taken the initiative to save ourselves.

This phrase is not only unbiblical it is also not painting an accurate picture of God as revealed in the bible. God does not wait for us to initiate a solution to our problems before he intervenes in our situation. Here is why


God created us in his image to represent him in the world so that through us he can:
  • Put his glory on display
  • Have control over his creation.
The specific individual details on how God  plans to achieve this through us are only revealed when we first acknowledge Jesus Christ and then submit daily to his authority. What this means is that our lives should be about aligning ourselves with God’s plans and not about aligning God with our plans.


God wants us to fully depend on him to fulfill this plan, but we have a default craving of seeking independence from him. In order to deal with that craving God sometimes allows trouble in our lives to remind us that we cannot fulfill his plan without him.

When we submit to him our troubles as an acknowledgement that we need him he takes us through a process that ensures we inherit everything that he has in store for us. This process was demonstrated by Jesus Christ when he walked the earth and the process entails persecution, burial and then resurrection.

It pleases God when we cooperate with his process because not only does it position us for his deliverance from our troubles but our cooperation enables him to achieve the following through us:
  • his love and power is put on display for the world to see
  • the lives of his people are impacted positively.
Therefore God does not help those who help themselves he helps those who submit to his plan and his divinely ordained process.

Our natural response when we are in trouble is to get ourselves out of it but we should actually enquire with God on the next steps and then submit to his process.

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