True cleansing starts within

In my quest to become who I was created to be, it was brought to my attention that I must undergo a process of cleansing. Cleansing rituals are common among religious people, new agers, and those who practice African spirituality. These rituals vary depending on the belief system, but they are all initiated from the outside and focus on the physical.

As I was considering which of these cleansing rituals would align me with the will of the Creator, I learned through the Bible about another type of cleansing that is different from all others because it is initiated from the inside before it manifests on the outside.

Biblical Cleansing

Biblical cleansing is required for me to become who I was created to be because I am sinful by nature and my desires are by default hostile to the will of the Creator. This cleansing aims to restore in me a pure heart by cleansing my innermost being, transforming me from the inside out.

The cleansing initiated from the outside is superficial and of temporary value because it is only focused on my physical circumstances. Biblical cleansing is able to truly transform me because only the Creator can get into my innermost being and restore me to be who He has created me to be.

The cleansing initiated from the outside is visible and easily attainable, but to truly transform my character from the inside out, I must cooperate with the cleansing process that is initiated in me by the Creator.

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