
Showing posts from January, 2023

LIFE LESSON: Bible Scriptures are best read with the Author on board

I have recently watched a documentary titled Sins of the Amish which gives voice to formerly silenced ex-members of the Amish community, who collectively share their stories of chronic sexual abuse which are common in those  communities. What stood out for me is that the victims tell of instances where Bible Scriptures were used to justify the abuse. This reminded me that of many other atrocities against human beings that were justified using Bible Scriptures for instance, in some quarters Apartheid in South Africa was justified through Bible Scriptures. I have also heard of people losing their well earned money to unscrupulous people who used Bible Scriptures to influence them.The Bible has become an important part of my life journey so this got me asking myself how do I protect myself from either being a perpetrator of atrocities against fellow human beings using Bible Scripture or falling into a victim of abuse from people who use Bible Scriptures for their own selfish reasons....

LIFE LESSON: The source of distraction to completeness is not fellow human beings

The Illuminati and the Freemasons organizations have been accused of conspiring to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. I first got to hear about these organizations when I recieved unsolicited private messages via social media platforms and emails from them. My biggest concern as I deliberated about this unsolicited communication was that if there are such powerful human organizations able to establish a New World Order what does this mean to me personally and my quest to finding completeness? Do I believe this? If so, what should I do next? What are the consequences if I don't believe this? I had too many unanswered questions but few answers. Once more the Bible provided me not only answers, but also gave me the next steps. You see the Bible does confirm the existence of a conspiracy to influence humanity to follow a “New World Order” bu...

LIFE LESSON: Eternal influence defines true identity

Elon Musk is a well known entrepreneur who evokes mixed feelings from different people, to some he is a Superhero to others he is a Supervillain. Despite all this the fact remains that Elon Musk is the most successful entrepreneur who has created for himself an identity of global influence which is the envy of many people. My observation is that he has displayed 2 characteristics that I believe are key to his success amongst other factors: He thinks outside the box - This enabled him to build an Electric car that works and is popular, a feat that established car manufacturers failed to achieve. He has also revolutionized space technology through SpaceX He is courageous - He went all in by risking all of his family’s wealth by plunging all his personal finances into Tesla and Spacex when both businesses were on the verge of collapse and investors did not want to put in more funding to rescue them. My journey to find my true identity is based on the teachings of the Bible which also com...

LIFE LESSON: True identity should flow from the eternal not the temporal

Bernie Maddof is an American financier who executed the largest Ponzi scheme in history, defrauding thousands of investors out of tens of billions of dollars over the course of at least 20 years,possibly longer.Marcus Jooste is a South African that is alleged to be the architect of the accounting scandal that engulfed retailer Steinhoff in late 2017, though he has denied the allegations. The negative impact of what both these men did was felt beyond their families and loved ones, it was also felt by unsuspecting investors and people who trusted them with their hard earned money. By all accounts both Bernie Maddof and Marcus Jooste are very intelligent human beings. They must have known that they would be caught at some point but they both continued their schemes for years. They both knowingly lived a lie for a long time, while projecting that all is well. I have always believed that my true identity flows from my physical attributes i.e. race, gender, career etc. I now know that this i...

LIFE LESSON: True identity is found through a relationship, not religion

We are all consciously or unconsciously on a journey of seeking our true identity, a journey of seeking the best version of who we are, people who believe there is a Superpower have gone in the following 2 directions to find their true identity.  Religion - There are at top 5 religions in the world that people tend to subscribe to these are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam  Spirituality - People who follow this direction can be categorized in the following routes Mediumship - this route is the alleged act of interceding between the spirits of the departed and living people. Ancestral beliefs - this route is deeply dependent on the premise that the souls of the dead may return to the living and influence their lives; New Age - this route encompasses different spiritual practices outside of the major religions. New Age are actually dumbed down Eastern Religious Practices. Others have used the combination of Religion and Spirituality to find their true ident...

LIFE LESSON: The truth about the way to self discovery is hidden in plain sight

I enjoy Formula 1 racing but I am not a big fan of the current world champion Max Verstappen, recently he was quoted saying something that I believe was profound and could be applied to everyday life. Max Verstappen issued a second driver warning: ‘You can’t live in a fairytale world’ .  To put this in context Formula1 teams are made up of 2 drivers, one driver is usually preferred over the other. The driver that is preferred is referred to as the 1st driver and in an ideal world the 2nd driver’s role is to help the 1st driver achieve success even if it is at the cost of the 2nd driver. Formula 1 drivers are some of the best drivers in the world and they all think they are worthy of being the 1st driver. The title of 2nd driver does not sit well with them as a result we have seen some serious battles amongst team members. So what Max is saying here is that he believes that 2nd drivers must accept their limitations to ensure that the team reaches success. Given some incidents that h...

LIFE LESSON: Growth should be the goal of life, not happiness.

The 55th conference of the ANC and the finals of the 2022 Soccer World Cup were held on the same weekend. I had a personal interest in the outcomes of both events. The ANC is currently the ruling party and the outcomes of their choice of leadership has a bearing on me as a South African citizen. I have a soft spot for Messi so I wanted to see Argentina declared the World Champs as an honor to him.  As the weekend was drawing closer I realized that there is a real chance that this weekend could end very terrible for me if both the events produced results that were not in line with my preferred outcomes. It was becoming real to me that I could be an unhappy person at the end of that weekend. I have always held a belief that living a life that is pleasing to God means I will always be happy, but there was a real possibility that this belief could be blown out of the window, I could end this weekend as an unhappy person. I started to ponder on what this means about my knowledge of God....