LIFE LESSON: Priortise the Kingdom of God over Heaven

I had been taught that the Christian journey is about focusing on going to heaven. But I then observed that in the bible Jesus speaks a lot more about the Kingdom of God than he speaks about heaven. It has also become clear to me that the Kingdom of God and Heaven are not the same thing.

The Kingdom of God is a colony of Heaven on earth. This means access to the Kingdom of God is available here on earth whereas access to heaven is only available after time on earth.

It is therefore my conviction that God’s will for his children is to prioritize the Kingdom of God over Heaven because of the following reasons 

God's purpose on earth is fulfilled

God’s purpose on earth is to influence the world through his children, but this can only happen when they are in alignment with his Son Jesus Christ. When God’s children prioritize his Kingdom they effectively activate the process of aligning themselves with Jesus Christ enabling God to fulfill his purpose of impacting the world through them.

God’s promises are realized

The Kingdom of God is the Promised land where God’s promises to his children as expressed in the bible are fulfilled. It is where they experience God’s love and power on a personal level while on earth.

God’s power is put on display

When the children of God prioritize his Kingdom then God’s power and glory is put on display on the earth through them.Moses was a loyal servant of God but he did not step into the Promised land, it is therefore possible for God’s children to be on their way to heaven but miss out on the Promised Land i.e. the Kingdom of God and he does not want that for his children.

The Kingdom of God represents the now destiny and Heaven represents the future destiny.God wants his children to prioritize the now over the future. 

Religion teaches us to focus on the final destiny because man made religious rules are not good enough to give access to the Kingdom of God. Access to the Kingdom is only available through submission to the rule of Jesus Christ who is the King of the Kingdom.

My goal therefore is no longer to live my life prioritizing to comply with religious rules or being holier than thou but it is to strive daily to step into the Kingdom of God

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