
Showing posts from May, 2022

LIFE LESSON: God makes the most out of an empty vessel

An empty vessel makes the most noise is a very popular proverb which means those with the least wisdom or knowledge are always the most talkative. God created us in his image so that we can be the vessels through which his purpose on the earth is fulfilled. Empty vessels are most preferred for God’s purpose on the earth. This does not mean God prefers us when we are most talkative without wisdom. It actually means the opposite.. SELFISH DESIRES God’s plan for us after Salvation is that we can be his vessels that display his glory by impacting the lives of others. This is only possible when we sacrifice our own desires for the benefit of others i.e. becoming a living sacrifice.  Sacrificing our own desires for the benefit of others is not our default setting, we are born selfish with only one goal in mind to prioritize our selfish desires above everything else. The bible tells us that our selfish desires are hostile to the will of God, it is therefore necessary for God to take us th...

LIFE LESSON: Regular Church attendance is not the key to heaven

In the circles that I socialized in we would ask questions like when was the last time you attended church or how often do you go to church? This was our way to determine one's level of commitment to church. We would ask these questions because we viewed church attendance as a tick box exercise to find out who is likely to qualify for the Kingdom of God and who is likely to be disqualified. My belief then was that regular church attendance leads to the Kingdom of God but that is not what the gospel says. Platform for empowerment God has been on a mission to reconnect with humanity since Adam and Eve disobeyed him, this reconnection happens through our acknowledgement of Jesus Christ. God’s aim with this reconnection is twofold: firstly it is meant to save us from spending eternity without him and secondly it is to restore us to the highest version of ourselves. This is the version God created us to be to display his glory in the world and make an impact in the lives of others. To e...

LIFE LESSON: God wants to speak to his people

A few years ago I bought a book that was recommended by a book club at the local Anglican Church where I was a member. The book was inspirational in fact I recently read the book again and I still found it relevant. This book was naturally a Christian book and the author kept referring to instances where God spoke to him. When the author made these references where God spoke to him it made me feel uneasy because where I come from not much was said about hearing the voice of God. I don’t remember hearing a testimony or the Preacher telling us about a conversation he/she had with God indicating that they can hear God. We were also never taught how to discern the voice of God so I assumed that God no longer speaks today to individuals as he spoke in the bible days he only speaks through specially selected people. This assumption raised other questions for me, for instance if God no longer speaks today how am I supposed to know his purpose for my life? Who are these people selected to hear...

LIFE LESSON: God is not a concept

I have always admired religious people with the following characteristics: Efficient with church rules and regulations – In the Anglican Church there is an Anglican prayer book which is used to navigate various church services depending on the occasion. There were people I knew at church who knew this book inside out, they knew which page to turn even before the Priest announced it, they even knew the Hymn numbers off by heart and they also knew when to stand and when to sit down. This started bothering me when I started seeing people my age and sometimes younger than me mastering this book. It bothered me because clearly I was not paying enough attention in the church to which I belonged all my life. Regular church goers – I went to church fairly regularly but sometimes golf or some other activity would get in the way of church but I knew some people who would never allow anything getting in the way of church they would schedule their Sundays around church. They were also very active...

LIFE LESSON: I do not pray to move God

In our country whenever there is a disaster our government and church leaders will declare a specific day for prayer. These days of prayer are never declared when there is a reason for the country to celebrate, so this made me associate prayer with times of need. In other words I thought prayer is only necessary when I am in a crisis. I also had never personally experienced God answering any of my prayers as I wanted them or when I wanted them answered and I have also seen one too many people who have prayed to God for their loved ones to be healed but instead of healing they would die. So this was confusing because I have always believed that the purpose of prayer is to make God fulfil my wish list. I now realize that my concept about prayer was misguided, because prayer is not about making God do my will and it is not only necessary in times of crisis.   Higher version of myself The primary purpose of the gospel is salvation and the secondary purpose for the gospel is so that Go...