
Showing posts from November, 2021

LIFE LESSON: God is more interested in changing me than he is changing my circumstances.

WHAT RELIGION TAUGHT ME I have been taught that God does not want to see me in unpleasant circumstances which is why he is interested in changing my circumstances whenever I face unpleasant circumstances. WHAT THE BIBLE IS TEACHING ME God wants to use me to fulfill his purpose and to be a blessing to others, but due to my sinful nature I am by default unable to submit to his direction Romans 8:7. Therefore God allows unpleasant circumstances in my life so he can use them to change me so that I can learn to submit to him so he can fulfill his purpose and bless others through me. Joseph said it better in Genesis 50:20 - You meant evil against me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  In other words the enemy is responsible for all the bad in my life but as a child of God, he uses that bad to accomplish his purpose by changing me. CONCLUSION  It is true that God does not want to see me in unpleasant circumstances but he is mo...

LIFE LESSON: Regular church attendance does not equal love for God

WHAT RELIGION TAUGHT ME I grew believing that to demonstrate my love for God I have to attend church regularly WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES ME The Bible teaches me that to be an effective Christian I have to be an active member of a Bible teaching Church, so regular church attendance is a good thing for me as a Christian. What I am also learning from the Bible is that regular church attendance is for my benefit as it is where I can grow Spiritually within a community of like minded people. Therefore going to church demonstrates my interest in my spiritual growth. In James 1:12 I am taught that those who remain faithful to God while facing trial are blessed and will receive a reward that God promises to those who love him. In other words it pleases God when we remain faithful to him even in our times of trouble and he rewards us with the blessings promised to those who love him. CONCLUSION Regular church attendance is for my benefit but remaining faithful to God even in times of trouble ...

LIFE LESSON: Jesus did not come to save me from taking up my cross

WHAT RELIGION TAUGHT ME I have always understood that Jesus took up the cross to save me from taking the cross. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES ME In reading the Bible  I came across a scripture where Jesus tells his disciples if they truly want to follow him they must be willing to share his cross (Matthew 16:24) . I believe Jesus is implying in this scripture that if I want to follow him I will also have to take up my own cross. So then the question remains why then did he come to earth to be killed on the cross if not to save me from going to the cross? I believe Jesus came to earth to teach me the Good News about the Kingdom of God and  to fulfill God’s purpose for his life i.e. to reconcile God with humanity.  He took up the cross to demonstrate to me that in order to fulfil God’s purpose for my life that is what I will have to do. CONCLUSION Therefore Jesus did not take up the cross to save me from taking my cross  but he took it up  to demonstrate to me that to fu...

TESTIMONY: The commandment “Do not worship other gods but me” is for our benefit

WHAT RELIGION TAUGHT ME I have always believed that the commanded God gave to his children that they should not worship other gods/idol other than him was given for his benefit because he is a jealous God.  WHAT MY FAITH WALK EXPERIENCE TEACHES ME A few weeks ago while on my morning run I noticed an Allen key lying on the road. I ran past it but something said I should pick  it up as it was a small sized key which I had always struggled to find and I might need it someday so I went back and picked it up, put it in my pocket and continued with my run. I never thought about it again. A week later my wife told me about a fixture in the kids bathroom that had fallen off the wall and needs to be fixed, I knew it required an Allen key and I also know I did not have the right sized Allen key for this job, I  tried using other tools but I could not find the right tool and my wife then told me about an Allen key she saw in my son’s bedroom so I tried it but it was one size to...