LIFE LESSON: Happiness should not be the ultimate life goal


Doing what makes you happy is a popular motto where I come from this means pursuing happiness should be the ultimate life goal


Joy is deep-rooted, inspired happiness

This deep rooted inspired happiness endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. 

God is the source of joy and we experience it when we focus on Him by obeying and trusting Him.

It is the secret to contentment and it is  God’s good and perfect gift that is eternal

Benefits of pursuing deep rooted inspired happiness :

  • It not only impacts our souls, it also has a positive impact on our health. 

  • It brings us peace that protects our souls

  • It positions us to be always be in God’s presence so not to lose our confidence

  • It reminds us to give our burdens to God through prayer so we do not allow ourselves to be pulled in various directions in times of crisis

  • It helps us focus on the present instead of worrying about the future

  • It allows us to experience divine pleasure eternally


We should not be pursuing happiness, we should instead be something a lot bigger than happiness we should be pursuing the eternal joy that only God can give.

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