LIFE LESSON: Heaven is here

When I started on my journey of faith I observed that there was a a lot of talk and focus on eternity and the eternal life. This to me meant that  God's intention for me is to take my eyes off this life and focus on life in heaven. I really struggled with this because I had real problems and taking my eyes off this life and focusing on heaven was not providing me with solutions to deal with my real life problems.

As I continue in my journey I am learning that in fact heaven is on the earth it is referred to as the Kingdom of God in the Bible, and it is nearer than I thought (Mark 1:15).This means contrary to my initial beliefs I don't have to take my eyes off this life and my real life problems to comply with the message of God. 

Implications of the Kingdom of God to mankind 

Since the beginning of time God’s plan has always been to rule the earth through mankind. He planned to put on display his nature through mankind but we failed the assignment when Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden.

The Kingdom of God's implications for mankind is that God wants to restore mankind to his original intent so we can participate in his plan. Our participation is made possible when we submit to his Kingdom. 
Submission to the Kingdom of God is done in 2 steps 
1. It starts with accepting the invitation to reconcile with God through Jesus Christ.
2. We then allow Jesus Christ to rule over all areas of our lives. 

When we submit to the Kingdom he then puts in motion a process of restoration so that through us he can be a blessing to others and put his true nature on display.

The Kingdom of God is a gamechanger

The Kingdom of God is a game changer because its governing principles are in direct contradiction to the principles that govern the world. Therefore those who submit to it are expected to live their lives in direct contradiction to the world and popular culture so that through them God can change the world to benefit their communities and society in general. 

Here are some of the principles that Kingdom people are supposed to live by that contradict popular culture:

Weakness is key to success
- In popular culture personal strength is key to success but  weakness submitted to God is key to living a successful life in the Kingdom of God. (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Seeing is not believing - In the world seeing is believing but in the Kingdom it takes faith to inherit God’s promises. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Self fulfillment is not encouraged - The world says to be happy you have to prioritize your own personal needs first. In the Kingdom we are encouraged to put the needs of others ahead of ourselves to achieve contentment.(Matthew 22:39)

Life difficulties are a pathway to promotion - Popular culture tells us to avoid difficulties at all cost but in the Kingdom life difficulties lead to promotion therefore we are encouraged to embrace them. (Genesis 50:20)

Revenge is not ours - The world tells us revenge is sweet but in the Kingdom the enemy is other spiritual forces who have rebelled against God and not human beings hence we are encouraged to leave revenge in the hands of God (Ephesians 6:20)

The Kingdom of God is the Promised land, where those who submit to it experience his love and power on a practical level. It was therefore never God’s intention for mankind to take eyes off this life and focus on heaven, because heaven is already on the earth.

My life circumstances have gone from bad to worse since I accepted Christ in my life but I now realize these difficult circumstances are an invitation for me and my family to the Kingdom of God. I will therefore submit to it so that my family and I can inherit and experience God’s love and power in our lifetime.

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