LIFE LESSON: God's commandment to worship only him is for our benefit

God commands us not to worship other gods but him, which means he commands us not to consult any other spiritual being/entity but himself even when we get overwhelmed by life's difficulties. This commandment seems unreasonable when you face life difficulties where nothing seems to go your way and you are forced to watch your family suffer. When in a dark season it looks like the only person who benefits from this commandment is God himself, it seems God is demanding too much from you.

When life gets hard and painful the natural response is to do whatever it takes to ease the pain for yourself and your loved ones , even society expects us to do whatever it takes to get ourselves out of difficult situations. As an African man doing whatever it takes could also mean calling on ancestors or consulting prophets/mediums and perform cleansing ceremonies.

As I walk in this journey of faith it has become clear to me that God’s commandment not to worship other gods including ancestors is not for his benefit but it is for our benefit here is why:.

Wrong response to suffering 

Suffering is seen as an indicator that ancestors are angry with you because of something you did or did not do. The Bible gives a differing take on the subject it teaches  that suffering for aligning  with God’s purpose is key to personally experiencing God's love and power. Jesus crucifixion on the cross was a demonstration of this principle.

Therefore the response to suffering depends on who defines it. To avoid  the wrong response to suffering God commands us to choose him.

To enable us to reach our destiny 

The children of God reach their destiny on the earth by fulfilling God’s plan for their lives and his plan is to put His glory on display through his children so that many others can be redeemed. This also benefits his children as individuals both in this lifetime and the next.

All other spiritual forces/entities are God’s creations who have rebelled against God and their sole mission is to divert God's children away from his plan by encouraging them to only focus inwardly to fulfil own selfish needs.
Therefore to be who God wants us to be and avoid being diverted away from our destiny by these rebelling spiritual forces God commands us to avoid entertaining them.

To inherit all that the creator has for us

God is the Creator of all things both in the natural and the spiritual realm, and he rewards those who submit to him wholeheartedly. Therefore His commandment to worship him alone and not his creation is in our best interest because only through the CREATOR can we inherit all that we were created for. 

As circumstances get harder and painful I will hold on ONLY to Jesus Christ as the key to the Kingdom of God because I want all that God has in store for me and I believe by doing that my family and I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

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