
Showing posts from March, 2022

LIFE LESSON: The supernatural power in you without God leads to distraction

Earlier in my life I came across the practice of meditation which was based on the premise that the superpower we need to achieve anything lies within us. To access this superpower we must dig deeper.This meditation practice was recommended as a  tool to help access this superpower. I practiced this meditation for some time but it did not bear the expected results for me ,instead I was left feeling very frustrated and inadequate. Sadghuru (an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality very popular on YouTube) through his teachings advocates for this  self-reliance as well instead of relying on an invisible God. In a conversation about Sadghuru I was recently asked  Why do we need God if all the superpower we need is within us?. Indeed we have within us the superpower to achieve success but accessing it without God leads to distraction here is why. Spiritual realm vs Natural realm God is spirit and he exists in the spiritual realm even though all creation in both the s...

TESTIMONY: Practical knowledge not intellectual knowledge honors God

I was brought up in an Anglican church environment. Both my maternal Grandparents were priests in the church. They had a church built in their yard which still exists today even though they have long passed. So I have always believed in the existence of God. There might have been instances in my life where I had questions which left me doubtful about his existence but I have never seen myself as a non believer or atheist. My wife was also brought up in the Anglican church so when we got married it was an easy decision to continue with the church. I have never thought through this decision beyond the fact that I was continuing a family tradition. So i f you asked me then, why I chose the Anglican church, I would not have an answer for you other than saying it is a family tradition. When debates on religion came up in social gatherings  I could not defend my faith or my choice of church, as a result I avoided debates around church or religion. I did not realize it then but I now know...

LIFE LESSON: You don't live once, you have to consider eternity.

YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once". This is used along the same lines as the Latin carpe diem ('seize the day'), it is a call to live life to its fullest extent. YOLO is a belief system that says : life on earth is the only life there is and it is in our capability to live it to its full extent . This was my belief too but since I started this journey of faith I am learning that this belief might be misguided. Is life on earth the only life? The Gospel teaches that human beings are made of Body and Soul. The body is how we interact with other people and God’s creation while on earth, it is also the part of our humanity that dies and perishes.  Our souls on the other hand live to eternity. We get an opportunity to make the choice to be with God or without him in eternity while we are in our bodies on earth. So life on earth is not the only life there is, we have to contend with life after death which is eternal. The decisions we make about God while in our bod...

LIFE LESSON: Religion enables false teachings

We have all heard or seen people being abused in the name of God. People have been made to drink petrol or eat snakes or in some instances they have been robbed of their hard earned money all in the name of God. Why would God allow this to happen is a question I have asked myself but never took it further and in fact I chose to put it off my mind. So when it was posed directly to me “ Why does God allow our people to be abused in his name” I realized that I can no longer put it off. I need to find answers to this question. I then did my introspection through what I have learned so far on my journey and here is what I have learned. THE BIBLE The Bible is an instrument through which God reveals himself, what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. He first introduces himself to us through the Old Testament where he reveals who he is (The Father) .In the New Testament he reveals what he wants to do (Jesus Christ) and he also reveals how he wants to achieve what he wants to do ( Holy ...

LIFE LESSON: Sharing the gospel is an act of love

Recently a friend asked me why do Christians like to tell us about their religion? They seem to be on a recruitment drive, something you do not see other religions do?. He was irritated and annoyed when he asked this question. He believed Christians are doing their utmost best to shove their beliefs down people’s throats. To him this looked like Christians did not have respect for other religions because if they did they would not be invading people's privacy and spaces by sharing their gospel at every opportunity they get. Christians believe their religion is much more superior than other belief systems and that is what annoys him about Christianity. This bothered me on 2 levels, firstly I could not immediately respond to him because I knew telling him that it is our obligation as followers of Christ would  irritate him even further and secondly I did not realize that such strong emotions could be evoked by the act of sharing the gospel. If sharing the gospel evokes such strong em...

LIFE LESSON: I do not worship God so he could fulfill my personal desires

I grew up believing the reason God wants me to worship him was so that he could fulfill my personal desires. My posture towards God also reflected this belief. For instance, I went to church because I wanted my plans to be blessed, I prayed only when I was in trouble so God could help me get out of it, I obeyed only the commandments that suited me so I could earn his favor.  When I started reading the Bible and spending more time in his presence it became clear to me that I have had the wrong end of the stick and my understanding of who God is and why he wants me to worship him does not line up with the Bible God's plan Throughout the Bible I am learning that God has one plan on the earth and that plan is to reunite with his people and he wants to work to fulfill this plan through those who accept his invitation of reunification. God wants to work through his children to fulfill his plan and his motivation is that it is for their good so that through them he can bless others and h...