
Showing posts from February, 2022

LIFE LESSON: Seek spiritual connection through the CREATOR

So DJ Sbu made the trends lists recently not about his music or his businesses but because of the spiritual advice he was sharing with those who follow him. If you don't know what I am talking about, let me explain. DJ Sbu shared a video where he says hugging a tree or walking barefoot gives him a spiritual connection and he advises everyone to do the same daily. In the video his appearance has also changed. He is spotting dreadlocks and a scrubby looking beard it seems his new look has been influenced by this spiritual journey. It is possible that this is a marketing stunt by DJ Sbu given his record I would not put this past him. Be that as it may, response to this is varied; some say he has gone crazy, others believe he is spiritually enlightened.  Whether DJ Sbu is pulling a marketing stunt or not only time will tell but the fact is there are people who believe that hugging trees can bring them spiritual enlightenment   I can relate to these people because I have also ...

TESTIMONY : The Church built by Christ is relevant to problems facing the continent

I recently saw a meme which said the reason Africa is poorer than China is because there are more factories in China than there are churches and in Africa the opposite is true. This statement implies that Africans spend more time building churches than they do building factories and that is the reason the continent is poor. It is estimated that some 80% of the population of China, which is more than a billion people, practice some kind of Chinese folk religion; 13–16% are Buddhists; 10% are Taoist; 2.53% are Christians; and 0.83% are Muslims. So the reason there are less Churches in China than in Africa is because only 2.53% of the Chinese population is Christian and it is not because of the reasons stated in the meme. But I am sure the creator of that meme is more interested in driving his point home than he is in the facts. I have seen different versions of this meme and videos and the point these memes and videos are making is that Churches are not relevant and they cannot solve eve...

LIFE LESSON: Not all Churches lead to God

So when I told people close to me that I have found another Church and would no longer be going to Anglican Church where I grew up. The only concern they had was that I don't go to these churches where the teachings about God and Jesus Christ are used to abuse others. Other than that they saw no problem in me following my conscience. This was  also my belief that  choosing a Church is a matter of my conscience because one church's teachings could be true for me and not for others. I used to believe that any church will do as long as they teach about God and Jesus Christ. This kind of thinking goes hand in hand with the idea that there are many roads that lead to God. I found out today there is a word for this: it is called Religious Pluralism. So if anyone asked me then which Church they should go to, my answer would be it does not matter just as long as you go to a Church where they teach about God and Jesus Christ you should be fine. This sounds simple enough, but through my...

LIFE LESSON: The key to wisdom is the ability to discern the voice of God

I was doing a Google search on how to get  wisdom. There were a lot of suggestions that I found  but the one that stood out for me  is the one that says wise people are blessed with good judgment . The ability to judge well is called discernment. In other words, to be wise I have to learn to discern. I did a search on the Biblical definition for the word discern and I found out that according to the Bible discernment is the ability to recognize the voice of God, so I dived into the Bible to find out why this is important. Discernment and the children of God Children of God have Holy Spirit in them and his purpose is to guide them by influencing their souls so that their desires are aligned with God’s mission on the earth. The reality is that while his children are on the earth there are other forces that are also fighting to influence their souls these forces are against the mission that God wants to fulfill on the earth. The forces fighting against God are: Flesh (selfi...