LIFE LESSON: The gospel is not about what God can do for me
WHAT RELIGION TAUGHT ME The Gospel of Christ is about me and what God can do for me WHAT FAITH IS TEACHING ME God has put into action a plan to unite heaven and earth since the day Adam and Eve disobeyed him in the Garden of Eden, but before that happens God has a mission on the earth to reconcile with humanity so that they could share his inheritance with his Son Jesus Christ. This reconciliation is only possible through unity with his Son Jesus Christ, it is a free gift to humanity that cannot be earned and it is available to all of God’s people. To accept the gift individuals must confess with their mouths and believe in their hearts that Jesus Christ is the Lord - this act qualifies them to be called children of God and it books them a spot in heaven to share God’s inheritance with Jesus Christ. As a show of appreciation of the free gift the children of God align themselves with God’s mission to reconcile with humanity by surrendering their lives as a living sacrifice for God ...