TESTIMONY: True wisdom starts with God


I have always understood that true wisdom starts with great knowledge and/or experience


A lot of things in my life were not going according to plan and having realized that I needed divine intervention  I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour one day in March 2019 after watching  a preach by Joel Oesten  on TBN.

I did not understand why things in my life were not going according to how I had planned. It seemed to me all my efforts to boost my family’s financial situation were under attack. I did not know from whom or from where but  in 2019 I knew that whatever/whoever was against me was more powerful than I am and when I started reading the Bible and listening to the Word of God I started understanding what was happening to me and my family.

I also understood that I am not the first person to go through this experience. The Bible is full of examples of people who went through similar circumstances. I also learnt that God is using my circumstances for His glory, to bless others and to benefit me.

There is a scripture in the Bible that reads the beginning of wisdom starts when you realize you cannot do life without God (Proverbs 9:10). This is indeed true for me. A lot of things which previously did not make sense in my life started to make sense when I conceded that I could no longer do life on my own strength. I needed God’s divine intervention.

Through reading and listening to the Word of God I believe God gave me a strategy on how to fight through what I am going through, the strategy did not make sense and at the writing of this article it is still not making sense but through obeying what I believe God was telling me, I discovered my life purpose, my calling and my spiritual gift.


I am still walking through a situation where my faith is being tested and I could lose everything I have accumulated so far including my family, but this experience of walking with God is also teaching me that true wisdom started in me when I conceded that I cannot do this life in my own strength and when I realized that I need Jesus Christ in my life.

All the knowledge and the education I have accumulated so far at this point of my life has not been helpful .So contrary to what I have been taught previously true wisdom does not start with great knowledge and experience but it starts when we realize that we cannot do life without God..

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