LIFE LESSON: Heaven is here

When I started on my journey of faith I observed that there was a a lot of talk and focus on eternity and the eternal life. This to me meant that God's intention for me is to take my eyes off this life and focus on life in heaven. I really struggled with this because I had real problems and taking my eyes off this life and focusing on heaven was not providing me with solutions to deal with my real life problems. As I continue in my journey I am learning that in fact heaven is on the earth it is referred to as the Kingdom of God in the Bible, and it is nearer than I thought (Mark 1:15). This means contrary to my initial beliefs I don't have to take my eyes off this life and my real life problems to comply with the message of God. Implications of the Kingdom of God to mankind Since the beginning of time God’s plan has always been to rule the earth through mankind. He planned to put on display his nature through mankind but we failed the assignment when Adam disobeyed Go...